Help Add comments with Disqus

With Proseful, you can easily use Disqus to add comments to your blog's posts.

1. Create a Disqus site

To add comments to your blog's posts using Disqus, you'll need a Disqus account and site:

  1. Go to to sign up for a new Disqus account, or log in if you already have one.

  2. Follow Disqus' instructions to add a site.

  3. Copy your site's Shortname.

2. Add your Disqus shortname to Proseful

To add your Disqus shortname to your Proseful blog:

  1. From your Proseful dashboard, go to Blog settings.

  2. In the Comments > Disqus shortname field, paste the shortname copied previously.

  3. Click Save changes.

3. Verify that comments are working

To verify that Disqus comments are working on your blog:

  1. Visit a published post on your blog.

  2. You should see the Disqus comments form at the bottom of your blog post.